Patric Chocolate Nib-Chip Cookies

What is delicious, buttery, chewy and chocolatey all at once?

That's right, Patric Chocolate Nib-Chip Cookies.

Here is the recipe that will become a staple in your home:


2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp baking soda
½ lb unsalted butter (two sticks)
1 cup dark brown sugar
¾ cup white sugar
1 tsp real vanilla extract
1 egg
¾ cup Patric Chocolate’s Roasted Cacao Nibs


1) Preheat oven to 375 F. Adjust oven
rack to middle position.

2) Combine flour, salt and baking
soda in bowl.

3) In a mixer cream the butter and mix in sugars.

4) Add the vanilla and egg to the
butter mixture and beat to combine.

5) Beat the flour mixture into the
butter mixture until just combined.

6) Stir in the Patric Chocolate Cacao

7) Refrigerate dough until cool and

8) Drop by rounded teaspoons onto
a good quality baking sheet (thin black baking sheets are not good options).

9) Bake for about 10 minutes and remove from oven. After several
minutes remove to a rack to cool.

READ MORE - Patric Chocolate Nib-Chip Cookies

Patric Chocolate Takes on the New Web

When Patric Chocolate first started we had a website, and shortly thereafter a blog. At the time, it felt like I was "hip" and "with it," but times soon changed.

Now Facebook, Twitter, and sites such as Flickr allow companies a way to tell their stories with passion and to build a connected community and fan-base. So, with the excellent advice of a couple of good friends, Patric Chocolate has taken the leap into the New Web:

The Patric Chocolate Facebook Page
-- If you are on Facebook, please spread the word and become a fan. We have a review system as well so that you can tell everyone what you think about our chocolate and other fine chocolate products. I'll be posting new chocolate-related videos and photo albums from cacao sourcing trips, and giveways will be available for Fans.

The Patric Chocolate Twitter feed
-- Follow my daily chocolate-making process, learn about special events, and interact!

Thank you for your support; during these tough economic times, it really does mean a lot!

Very best,

Patric Chocolate

P.S. Don't forget to sign up on our mailing list on the top-right of the page. I send out a monthly newsletter with product specials, new products, events, and educational chocolate information. If you change your mind later, it is easy to unsubscribe with one click. No worries

P.P.S. By the way, if you've never seen what your mild-mannered chocolate maker looks like, there is a story in the Kansas City Star, just out today, that has quite a few good photos.
READ MORE - Patric Chocolate Takes on the New Web