Chocolate-Myth Busters

I've been doing quite a bit of myth busting concerning chocolate "facts" since the Patric Chocolate blog first started, but it took a loyal reader to point out the obvious:

"Here’s something you could run with for years [...] Chocolate myth busters – published, blogged and wild rumors in the chocolate world debunked. I continue to see incorrect information take on a life of its own. "Facts" that aren’t facts."--David Arnold

...And as soon as it was suggested, I thought, "Why haven't I been doing this from the beginning?" Truly a "Duh" type of moment.

The problem is that I have been writing almost exclusively more lengthy and complicated articles, and then I always end up getting so busy that they often never get finished. Of course, I still intend to finish all of those unfinished items, and I'm sure that I will--sometime--but I'm realizing that I need something simpler. I need something that is relevant and interesting, but not too time consuming to write. Chocolate-Myth Busters is intended to be just such a recurring topic.

So, I have some ideas of my own, but I am also interested in dealing with topics that interest my readers. That said, please let me know of any potential myths that you would like to see busted. Here is an example of what I am looking for:

"People often say that higher percentage chocolate bars are better for you, is this actually the case?"

Trust me, no matter how simple you think a question might be, I guarantee that there are a hundred other people out there wondering the same thing, and you just might be surprised at the answer.

So, take just a second out of your day to suggest some potential myths that need busting! Feel free to add them to the comments below (no need to sign up for any account), or email me personally at:

Very best,

Chocolate myth buster at your service