When we think of chocolate, most people think HOT chocolate, or they get visions of cakes and candy. But there are ways to enjoy your favorite flavor --chocolate -- in refreshing ways to keep COOL during the summer.
There's not one person who knows me who doesn't know that this is my all time favorite chocolate cocktail. The Mexican Chocolate Margarita. It's tasty, it has a nice little bite to it (because of the chipotle powder), it's refreshingly cool, and best of all - it's chocolate.
It's quite simple to make and you can whip up a batch of these tempting little drinks in no time at all.
Mexican Chocolate Margarita
First recipe:
Chocolate Chipotle Powder, recipe follows
1½ ounces dark chocolate liqueur
1½ ounces chocolate vodka
1½ ounces tequila
1½ coffee flavor liqueur
Chocolate Chipotle Powder
2 tablespoons Mexican Chocolate ground into powder
1 tablespoon ground chipotle powder (or red chile powder if you prefer)
Mix completely and set aside.
Spread the Chocolate Chipotle Powder out on a large plate. Rim 2 (8-ounce) martini glasses by rolling the edge of each glass on a clean wet sponge, then rolling the edge over the powder. Tap the glass gently to knock off the extra powder. Pour the rest of the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker is frosty. Strain immediately into the glasses and serve.
Second recipe:
¾ cup half-and-half or light cream
8 ounces dark chocolate liqueur (1 cup)
2 ounces vodka (1/4 cup)
Ice cubes
2 tablespoons ground Mexican Chocolate
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Mix ground Mexican Chocolate and cinnamon. Spread on a plate. Moisten rim of martini glasses with a wet sponge and dip into the chocolate-cinnamon mixture.
In a pitcher, stir together the half-and-half or light cream, chocolate liqueur, and vodka. Place ice cubes in a martini shaker. Add liqueur mixture; shake. Strain mixture into four to six chilled martini glasses
Are the kids giving you the evil eye while you enjoy your moment of pleasure with your Margarita??? No worries. Mix up a batch of Mocha Milkshakes (made with some Mexican chocolate) to keep them happy.
Mocha Shake
1 cup cold milk
1 cup strong black coffee, regular or decaf
1/2 cup Mexican Chocolate sauce*
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 pints coffee or vanilla flavored ice cream
Whipped cream Strawberries for garnish, optional
To a blender, add 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of coffee, 1/4 cup of chocolate sauce, and the cinnamon. Puree to combine ingredients. Add 1-pint ice cream and blend until smooth. Pour into 2 frosted fountain glasses or tall glasses and garnish with swirls of whipped cream, an extra pinch of cinnamon, and strawberry and serve. Repeat to make 2 more shakes. Makes 4 servings.
*Mexican Chocolate Sauce:
1-cup whipping cream
½-cup sugar
1 round disk Mexican Chocolate, chopped
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
Put all ingredients into medium saucepan. Heat until steaming but not boiling. Stir constantly to melt chocolate. Remove from heat and allow to cool 2 to 3 minutes.
Of course you could make some Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream to use instead of the store-bought. What ever is easier and most pleasing for you. Cooking and baking should be a pleasure..NOT a chore.

12 ounces Mexican Chocolate, coarsely chopped
4 large egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
1 quart half and half
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
In the top of a double boiler, over hot, not simmering, water, heat the chocolate, stirring often. It will not completely melt but will soften into a gooey mass.Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Gradually whisk in the sugar.In a medium heavy pan over high heat, bring the half and half just to a boil. Whisking constantly, gradually add the hot half and half to the egg mixture. Return this mixture to the pan, set the pan over low heat, and cook, stirring often, until the mixture thickens into a custard that will heavily coat the back of a spoon, about 5 minutes. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and return the custard to the bowl. Add softened chocolate and vanilla and whisk until dissolved (the mixture will appear grainy). Cool to room temperature and cover with plastic wrap, pressing the film onto the surface of the custard. Refrigerate until very cold, at least 5 hours and preferably overnight. Transfer the custard to the canister of an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's directions. Cover the finished ice cream tightly and store it in the freezer.
What ever type of ice cream you choose to use, allow it to put a smile on your face. Life's too short to keep yourself from enjoy some of life's simple pleasures...like chocolate.